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Cheating should not be glorified

By Shayla D. Stein
Arizona Daily Wildcat
March 1, 1999
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To the editor,

Reading the Wildcat is always one of the high points of my day. Unfortunately, that was not the case last Thursday. After reading the Catalyst article "The Art of Cheating," I was outraged! Since when has cheating been anything but dishonest, disrespectful to your classmates and just plain LAZY! On behalf of all those of us out there that still do earn our grades on our own merits by actually going to class and studying long and hard, I would like to say how angry I am that you would encourage an even larger percent of the student body to cheat and then go as far as to "educate" them on how better to copy the answers off my next exam in McClelland 207 (or the "Loft" as you refer to it).

You have done a tremendous disservice to every hard working, honest student with integrity on this campus. You owe us all an apology.

Shayla D. Stein
Accounting and finance senior