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An ageless dad

By Kelly Knox
Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 8, 1998
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It was four years ago when mom discovered the single's line.

Every night desperate single guys came over. They brought large pizzas, took us all out for dinner, and one even brought his snake. There were bald guys, short guys and younger guys.

When my mom stopped dating about 15 guys a week, she met Aron. He was 21 and we took him to Dairy Queen. He picked out the most expensive thing on the menu while we had like, Buster Bars, or something.

Anyway, we always give him crap about the fact that he had already paid us back with four dinners.

After four years we had started to look at Aron as a dad. He has done so much more than my real father had done - donating sperm and always making sure to tell us he doesn't give a damn about my birthday or any other holiday when he might have to make an effort to see us.

Anyway, even though Aron is only 13 years older than me - and I am 13 - he is probably more mature than the average 30-year-old and has probably had to tackle many more financial problems. I admire him for giving up a 'family of his own' and entering this one, where he is not the 'real dad.'

So, no, he is not a boy toy. He just didn't want to check out sex with an older and more mature woman. He sure is not in the deal for the money.

He is in it for love, for his new family and my mom.

Financial Times Fall 98