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Our Single Greatest Tragedy

By Al Mollo
Arizona Daily Wildcat
March 22, 1999
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Arizona Daily Wildcat

Week after week, I do my best to bring the truth as I see it to the readers of the Arizona Daily Wildcat. Occasionally, perhaps even more times than not, this means taking a shot at the president.

While Mr. Clinton has provided me with ample ammunition to do this, there is one issue that stands apart from the rest. After the scandal-ridden term of this president has come to an end, and the smoke of corruption has cleared, there will be one executive action that will overshadow all others.

The single greatest tragedy to result from President Clinton's reign is his veto of legislation that would ban partial-birth abortions.

For those not familiar with this procedure, and who are not faint of heart, I shall explain.

Partial-birth abortions are performed during the last stages of pregnancy, when the child is too large to be aborted by the more common methods. The abortionist captures the feet of the baby and directs them into the birth canal. The child is then born, all but the head. At this point, a scissors-like tool pierces the back of the child's neck and a vacuuming device is inserted, removing the brain matter. With the skull now collapsed, the lifeless body is removed and disposed.

This happened today in America.

What I just described has nothing to do with the labels "pro-life" or "pro-choice." While I am steadfast in my personal beliefs, there are times when I can understand the opinions of those who disagree. This debate, however, leaves no room for understanding, and even less for compromise.

For instance, some will argue this killing is justified, both morally and by law, because the unborn "fetus" is not yet a child. I can understand this assertion under certain terms - never accept or agree with it, but at least understand it.

In this discussion, however, such an argument cannot be sensibly made or even entertained. Clearly these are children capable of living outside of their mother's womb.

Those most consumed within the illusion of "choice" will grasp at anything to defend the indefensible. Most common, those like President Clinton claim that the partial-birth abortion must remain legal, because it can be necessary to save the life of the mother. Again, just like much of the rhetoric swirling around this issue, another lie.

Dr. Martin Haskel, who has performed over 1000 partial-birth abortions, said that he performs them "routinely" for non-medical reasons, and that 80 percent are purely elective. Medical experts testified before congressional committees that it is never necessary to kill a child that has been almost entirely delivered to preserve the life or health of the mother.

Then there are those who say that this procedure is so rare that an outlaw of it is not necessary. While the killing of one child in this way is tragic, this is also not true. Although the exact number is unknown, here is one statistic to keep in mind: At a single abortion clinic in Englewood, New Jersey, doctors acknowledge that they perform over 1,500 partial-birth abortions a year.

If my words are not enough to spark outrage within your conscience, listen to those of a woman who witnessed a partial-birth abortion. Barbara Shafer, a nurse who considered herself "very pro-choice," explained what she saw:

"I stood by the doctor's side and watched him perform the partial-birth abortion on a woman who was six months pregnant. The doctor delivered the baby's body and arms, everything but his little head. The baby's body was moving. His little fingers were clasping together. He was kicking his feet.

"The doctor took a pair of scissors and inserted them into the back of the baby's head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startled reaction, like a baby does when he thinks he might fall. The doctor then opened the scissors up. Then he stuck the high powered vacuum tube into the hole and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp.

"I never went back to the clinic. But I am still haunted by the face of that little boy. It was the most perfect, angelic face I have ever seen."

Have you ever held a child? How precious. How innocent. How pure. God help us should we stand by and accept the legalized killing of the dearest, the sweetest of life.

I suppose it is things such as this that make some wonder if there even is a God. At times, even my faith is tested. But one thing I am sure of, if there is in fact a God, I pity the damned souls who, either by practice or silence, support this holocaust.