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Fight for rights of majorities, not just minorities

By Nick Lannon
Arizona Daily Wildcat
April 7, 1999
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To the editor,

Many people claim to be in favor of equal rights. I'm one of them. I'd like to ask this campus how serious they are when they say that.

Several months ago, a comic strip published in the Wildcat came under heavy fire for portraying two male bugs hugging and then being shot at. People said that the comic was offensive to homosexuals. However, just last Friday, a comic was published that portrayed the Easter Bunny on a cross, having a conversation with God. The cross is the holiest symbol in all of Christianity and Good Friday is one of it's most holy days. Honestly, I expected to see a flood of letters Monday morning from irate Christians. However, not one letter to the editor has been published complaining about how this comic could offend Christians. The same day, a satire was published, listing the top ten things about Christianity that "kick ass." Again, no letters.

This letter is not to reprimand the Wildcat for printing that material, and it is not to reprimand the authors for thinking of it. It is to reprimand this campus for holding a double standard.

Just because Christianity is not considered a "minority" does not mean that we should not fight for its rights in the same manner that we do for homosexuals, African-Americans and women. All groups deserve "equal rights," not just the ones that are obvious to us.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that I'm proud to live in a country where people are free to put their point of view in public. I think that is a healthy thing, and especially here, where we all strive to better our minds and broaden our horizons. We need to be open to the opinions of others. However, true equality is equality for everyone.

Nick Lannon
Communications junior