Police stop drunken drivers for good reason
To the editor,
This is in response to Miss Alexander's Oct. 20 column regarding the rights of any citizen when stopped for DUI.
I just wanted to share how fascinated I was to read how easy it was to avoid a DUI conviction. I wanted to convey my thanks to sending such a warm, helpful, and timely article to the entire University population, and just in time for the weekend!
I only wish Carlos Peralta had the opportunity to read it prior to August 17, 1997... You see, Mr. Peralta had a bit too much to drink that night, chased down with a few narcotics. He was driving away from his home, struck a mini-van and killed eight people, all members of the same family.
Lets just avoid thinking about the fact that hundreds of people had their lives changed forever that night because of one person's decision to get behind the wheel, and instead tell everyone that hey, make sure you check your taillight before getting plastered to make sure its not burned out.
No police officer spends his entire shift attempting to "trick" students into answering questions... they spend their shift trying to avoid having to pick up the bodies of the eight victims you killed after you left your house.
Brad Johnston Dispatcher, Tucson Police Department