



Likins: Child care facility in the cards
About 10 student-parents last night told UA President Peter
Likins and the Associated Students Senate that the university is
in dire need of on-campus child care.
"Child care is a multi-grade issue," said Lauren LaRochelle, a
media arts and film freshman. "It's a freshman, sophomore,
junior, senior, graduate student issue."
LaRochelle and others told the Senate that federal subsidies for
day care are difficult to come by.





Football midterm score: 'A-'
The Arizona football team has seven games down and five to
go, putting it a little past the halfway point of the season.
But until the team showed it could rebound from the loss to
UCLA, it did not receive a midterm grade.
The following is a position by position breakdown of how the
team has done in going 6-1 over its first seven games, and what needs to be improved over the
remaining five.





Why should you care about Big
The one-hundredth of a percent of UA students who are hard-core science majors are all locked
away in labs performing bizarre feats of the mind, evolving into strange neural symbiosis with their
computers, far from the light of day and the reality of three-figure IQs, so I'll address myself to my
non-cybernetic brethren who must ask themselves when they see Big Science in the headlines,
"Why the hell should I care?"


