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The discovery of a crush

Erica Breaux
Arizona Daily Wildcat
October 27, 1998
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Has there ever just been that one person that you were head over heels for and you just couldn't tell them? You just hoped that they felt the same way in return. That one person that all of your friends thought was butt-ugly but you couldn't find anything wrong with them. That person is your crush.

Entering college most students decide it would be best to leave old things to rest and start new things.

So here you are, at the university, single all over again after spending years with your high school sweetheart. You walk the campus for the first time and you spot the person of your dreams.

But because you are at a large university you don't think that the person you are eyeing will notice you.

So you get the sunglasses so that that special person doesn't know that it is them that you are staring at. And you daydream about that person all day long while walking the UA Mall.

After thinking of this person throughout the week, you look forward to the weekend when you see them at the party that Saturday. The chance when you can approach them and make small talk, but what is there to talk about? Yeah, how was that game?

Good way to start a conversation if this person enjoys football. And here at the University of Arizona even if they don't like football, they should know the highlights of our games.

So what are you to do, when you soon run out of small talk? How are you going to get this person to notice you if every time you see this person your knees start to tremble? Of course I don't have a solution, but I know what you are going through.

Girls are funny; they get all prissy when it comes to guys. Girls can think about a guy all day and all night. Fellows, we even dream about you. (Not wet dreams.)

Yet, we cannot approach you the way we really want to. Especially if you are an upper classmen, only because we fear the thought of you already having the perfect girlfriend.

And guys if you like a girl don't be scared to say hello, a simple acknowledgment that you know we are around is nice.

Don't be all dufus about it and drool when you see a little cleavage just nod your head as a way of saying "what's up." That usually leaves you with some bonus points.

To everyone that has an extreme crush on someone, as hard as it may be, approach the person you have a crush on. Go and start that conversation that can make you or break you. Even if you make a fool of yourself the first time, they will forgive you.

We are only human and are bound to make mistakes sooner or later in our lives, and I'd rather make mine sooner.

If you find out they are already with someone don't shoot that person down, just think of how lucky she or he might be. And don't stop thinking the world of that person, for maybe the two of you were meant to be extremely good friends.

And finally, words from a wise source once told me to just be myself. If the person cannot accept you for who you are, then they just have the body of your dream person and they are not at all perfect for you. Don't settle for less than you have to because only you know what is good for you. And we all have the image of our ideal companions in the back of our minds.

Erica Breaux is a psychology freshman and she can be reached via e-mail at