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Talk sports not drunkenness

By Scottie Bricker
Arizona Daily Wildcat
December 4, 1998
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To the editor,

I am incredibly disappointed that I even have the opportunity to write this letter. Having spent two and a half wonderful years on staff at the Wildcat, I found it appalling to have read Craig Degel's "column" (if you can call it that) in the Nov. 30 edition of the paper.

Even for a paper who thrives off of originality and attempts ever-so-carefully to be appropriately liberal, the column is nothing more than a senseless piece of gibberish.

I respect all of the efforts of each and every student at the Wildcat and can certainly empathize with the rigors of balancing school and job.

However, the content of this article was completely out of line. The elaborate talk of alcohol, sneakiness and extreme drunkenness were inappropriate even for the Daily Wildcat.

Mr. Degel is a very talented sports journalist who I have respected and learned a great deal from.

Here's hoping that his future assignments will limit him to watching and reporting on the touchdowns, three pointers and base hits and not on his talented abilities to party.

Scottie Bricker
University of Arizona alum
Former Arizona Daily Wildcat staffer