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Why no troops on the Canadian border?

By Geoff Gardner
Arizona Daily Wildcat
December 4, 1998
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To the editor,

This is in response to Connor Doyl's racist retort of Ryan Chirnomas' article on the Border Patrol (Dec. 2). He claims to have "some issues" with the article. He disagrees with illegal immigration. Why?

Simply because he and his family got here legally. However Connor does not understand that there are thousands of Canadians living and working in the United States "illegally." Why is there no suggestion to put troops on the Canadian border to stop this? Good old fashioned racism.

Connor actually refers to illegal immigrants as "these people." I must remind him that just because some immigrants come from Latin American, have darker skin or speak Spanish, that they are human beings trying to come to this country to live a better life. Immigrants are not here to steal welfare or destroy "the country's limited resources" as Connor states in his letter.

Then he blames Canada's problems on open borders. Even if Canada had open immigration, their socialized medical care would ruin them before those evil immigrants come in and steal everyone's jobs.

To top the whole racist letter off, Connor distances himself from Pat Buchanan and states that "public perception of immigration is based on fear and ignorance."

He unfortunately omitted his "Final Solution" on keeping illegal immigrants out of the county.

That's too bad, but what can one expect from a Pat Buchanan-style border policy reactionary?

Geoff Gardner
Creative Writing freshman