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Out House a valuable gay forum

By Helen Gaus
Arizona Daily Wildcat
December 4, 1998
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To the editor,

I really enjoy Tiger Byrd's Out House comic strip. It's great having a comic strip that allows gays to gently have fun with their situation because many times (as the world witnessed in Montana) the lives of gays are strained and precarious both emotionally and physically. This effort gives the gay population a place to vent, receive some support and hopefully makes the difficulties a bit easier to bear.

So in appreciation of Tiger's efforts, I would like to comment that I'd like to see more of his humor, daily would be nice!

He has introduced gay issues in a readable, nicely illustrated manner without ridiculing the straight population. Indeed, the gays in the comic strip have all kinds of friends - friends who are aware of the trappings and issues of gay life and those who aren't.

This comic has an educational benefit and a demystifying effect on non-gays. It makes the whole issue less scary to some and makes it acceptable - as it should be.

I think it's a real credit to the Wildcat that this comic is present to its readership and again, it showcases the UA as a front-runner, a leader in the collegiate community nationally.

Helen Gaus
UA Classified staff