



Printing department gets last
opportunity to profit
UA administrators may partially privatize the university's printing and graphics department next
year if it fails to reduce a $330,000 deficit before July.
The auxiliary department has gone farther in the hole each of the past six years, prompting
University of Arizona officials to consider privatizing a portion of the services that are not
generating enough revenue to offset expenses.
"The printing portion was not profitable - we will look to see how it is going into May and June,"
said Julius Parker, UA associate vice president for business affairs. "If they haven't shown us they
can be competitive, we will bite the bullet at that time."
The administration is giving the program one year - from July 1998 through June 1999 - to begin
making money, Parker said.





1999: Wildcats looking for next year's
stars inside this year's program
How do you replace seven All-Conference players?
That is the question looming on the minds of the Arizona
coaching staff as they prepare to begin their Holiday Bowl
practice Dec. 12.
After the bowl game in San Diego, the Wildcats will be losing a
senior class which head coach Dick Tomey says are all having
their best years at the same time.





Born to suffer and die?
So it's the Christmas season. This means serious present
giving, Kodak family moments, eating and drinking too much.
Most of all, it is a holiday for children.
Those who are Christian among us designated this holiday as a
celebration of the birth of a child, centuries ago, in a manger, in a little suburb of Jerusalem called
All this for the celebration of a birth. All this for a child. But what are we doing with "the children"
these days?
I grow wearing of hearing the generic battle cries that seems to apply to every cause. "Do it for the
children." "Save the children." "We're protecting the children." Anything can be linked to children:
the need for draconic drug laws, more jails, controls on the Internet. They all manage to have a
"save the children" line slipped in there somewhere.






Should the Wildcat On-Line staff get a Christmas bonus (at no expense to you)?

