Students to protest budget cuts today
UA student leaders will hold a rally today on the Mall to protest the Arizona Legislature's proposed budget cuts.
The noon gathering, expected to draw 10-20 people, will include an ambulance in case a protester gets injured, said Arizona Students Association Director Adam Talenfeld.
"Our goal is really modest and we may not even get that," Talenfeld said yesterday.
Talenfeld added that the ambulance, provided by Rural Metro Corporation, will cost ASUA $44 per hour.
ASUA gathering to protest Arizona Legislature university budget cuts
Time 12 p.m. -1 p.m.
Associated Students President Tara Taylor and Talenfeld announced the rally at last month's Faculty Senate meeting.
They encouraged University of Arizona faculty members to join forces with the students to protest the Legislature's new plan.
Talenfeld said yesterday the rally will include signs that read, "don't pull the plug on higher-ed."
The Joint Legislative Budget Committee's proposal suggests state universities trim $15 million off of their budgets, forcing the UA to cut $6.5 million and jeopardize 90 faculty positions.
Some faculty senators were also outraged at the suggestion that the UA increase faculty productivity by asking instructors to spend an extra 18 minutes per week in the classroom.
Talenfeld said students will be adversely affected if the faculty productivity issue is pushed through the Legislature.
"Class sizes get bigger and students can't get office hours with their professors," he said.
Talenfeld added that universities across the state will get burned if the proposal is passed into law.
"It sets a precedent for cutting that we've never had before," he said.