Rock on

By Laura Bond
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Arizona Daily Wildcat

Dash Rip Rock

Listening to the music of Dash Rip Rock is like listening to Patsy Cline at the wrong speed while barreling down the Vegas Strip on a bulletrain. Imagine The Cramps fused with Hank Williams Sr., simultaneously twanging and banging away on guitars. A live show from Dash is what you might call fun-abilly, peppered with comic exchanges between guitarist/vocalist Bill Davis, bassist Hoaky Hickel and drummer Kyle Melancon.

Dash Rip Rock was recently named "The Best Signed Band" in an poll conducted at New York's Intel Music Festival (formerly known as the New Music Seminar, a place where industry big shots survey the best of the new and not-so-new musical crop). USA Today, those insightful watchdogs of music culture, dubbed them the "Best Bet for Stardom," in 1997.

Even without these obvious accolades, Dash Rip Rock have long been a favorite among college crowds, having toured recently with the likes of Everclear, No Doubt, Garbage and Poe, winning over crowds with their irreverence, their feverishness, their John Travolta dance impressions. When the band takes the stage at Club Congress Monday, they may not be sober, they may not be fully clothed, there may be a few obscenities interjected - whatever the case, Dash Rip Rock is gonna make sure the crowd enjoys every minute of it.