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Arizona Daily Wildcat,
February 25, 2000
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It's your last night to see "Bringing out the Dead." This free movie will show at 7 and 9:15 p.m. in the Social Sciences building, Room 100. Contact Kate Vesely at 621-0768 for more information.

The International Arts Society Film Series will present "The Thief" tonight at 7:30. This Russian film focuses on a boy and his relationship and his criminal father-figure. The film will take place in the Modern Language building Auditorium and admission is free. Call Charles Scruggs for more information at 621-3527.

The play, "Kiss Me Kate" will continue tonight at 7:30. This play switches back and forth between a stormy backstage romance and the theatrical "on-stage" antics of a divorced, but still-in-love couple. Taking place in the Fine Arts Complex, Marroney Theatre, tickets cost $19 for the general public, $17 for senior citizens/UA employees and $13 for students. For more information contact the Fine Arts Box Office at 621-1162.

The UA bookstores, including the U of A Bookstore, Wildcats Gifts Etc... and the Medical Bookstore are having a U of A Midterm Blues Sale today. Get 20 percent off your purchases of mostly blue clothing, gifts, general books and supplies. Contact Beth Bujarski at 621-8475 for more information on this sale.

Sponsored by the Engineering Student Council, today is Engineering Week - Club Day. Fun booths with games and activities will take place on the UA Mall area from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. A rock drilling contest will also take place. Call David Irwin at 621-3683 for more information on this event.

John Dahl will speak on "Characterization of Eis, a protein that enhances intracellular survival of Mycobacterium smegmatis" today from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. This lecture will take place in the Arizona Health Sciences Center, Room 8403. Contact Nafees Ahmad at 621-6061 for more information.

Tucson's largest gathering of peace, social justice and environmental action groups will take place on Saturday in an event called Peace Fair and Music Festival. This event will also feature live music, booths, children's activities, food, dance and other sorts of entertainment. It will take place from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at Reid Park Bandshell. For more information on this event, call 624-4789.

The Arizona State Museum will host the third largest event of Rodeo Week this weekend. More than 100 of the finest American Indian artists of the region will showcase their work in open-air tents on the museum's front lawn. There will also be award-winning hand crafts, Zuni storytelling, music, dancing, native fashions, and you can even learn about weaving. These events will take place from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday and 12-4 p.m. on Sunday. There will be a $2 admission for adults and children will be let in for free. Call 626-8381 for more information on this event.

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