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The UA Optical Sciences Center presents a Special Colloquium at 2 p.m. in Room 410 of the Meinel building. Dr. Martin Fermann will speak on "Speckle, gaussians, solitons and parabolas in optical fibers." Pre-colloquium refreshments will be served in the lobby at 1:45 p.m. Eustace Dereniak and Michael North-Morris are the colloquium hosts, and Cindy Gardner at 621-3035 will answer any questions.
Many people who contribute to the arts are rarely acknowledged for their efforts. "The Invisible Artist" series will display the works of Nancy Solomon: Book Designer. Solomon will be at the UA Library's Special Collections from 4-6 p.m. The exhibit will continue through April 28, and Bonnie Travers at 621-4295 has more information.
Reduce tension, prevent injuries and move comfortably after learning to "Free Your Back" with the Feldenkrais Method. Lessons are $3 per session or $30 for the semester and take place in Room 2823 of the UMC Wellness Center from 5-5:45 p.m. Sign up with Lindley Hunter Silverman at 617-0879.
European visions of the west will be presented in film form at the "American Place in American Avant Garde Film Series" at 6:30 p.m. Babette Manglote's "The Sky on Location" will be shown in the auditorium of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering building, and tickets are free. Contact the Media Arts Department at 621-7352 for a complete schedule.
All students can enter a Web Design Contest with a Mac G4 as the grand prize. Students can develop their version of a Web site for the U of A Bookstore and have their Web page posted on the Bookstore site for two weeks. Web pages will be judged on overall look, ability of the page to hold a visitor's attention and compatibility with Bandwidth requirements. The submission deadline for the contest is March 24. Contact Mike DeRosa at 621-8873 for more information.
Learn to officiate intramural sports at the Intramural Sports Official Orientation from 7-8 p.m. at the Student Recreation Center. Call Brian Jacoby in the Intramural Sports Office at 621-8723 to register.
The Faculty Artist Series sponsored by the School of Music and Dance continues with Rex Woods and Nancy Green at 7:30 p.m. in Crowder Hall. The pianist and cellist are renowned musicians and UA faculty members. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for students. MusiCall at 621-2998 has all the information.
Rock art sites from all over Arizona will be featured at the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society lecture at 7:30 p.m. Ken Hedges, from the San Diego Museum of Man will present the discussion in the DuVal Auditorium of the University Medical Center. Call Vic Evans at 298-5167 for more information.
The UA Division of Family Studies is conducting a study on Dating and Divorce. Participants must be divorced, have a child or children under the age of 18 and be currently involved in a committed, opposite-sex relationship. Compensation is provided and information is strictly confidential. Call Lucinda at 626-5382 (days) or 615-1302 (evenings) to participate.
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