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Student regent bill goes to Gov. Hull; whistle-blower bill fails again
PHOENIX-Yesterday, the Arizona Senate unanimously passed a bill adding a second, non-voting student regent to the Arizona Board of Regents, while again failing a whistle-blower protection bill by an 8-17 procedural vote. The student regent bill now goes to Gov. Jane Hull, who has indicated she will sign it, said Francie Noyes, her press secretary. If Hull signs it, two student regents would take office in the 2001-2002 school year. The Senate decided not to reconsider last week's rejection of the whistle-blower protection bill, sponsored by Sen. David Petersen, R-Mesa. "The steam kind of ran out," Petersen said later. The bill is now truly dead for this session, he said, mostly because senators considered the governor likely to veto the bill and they did not have enough votes for an override. The measure would have prohibited the university from retaliating against someone who has disclosed or who may disclose illegal or wasteful activity, outlined the process for disclosures and provided relief if a whistle-blower's rights are violated. "It's going to come back," he said, adding that protection of oral disclosures is important to those in other state agencies. The Department of Administration and the attorney general supported reforming the weak state law, he said, but they could not agree on specifics. Petersen said next year's efforts will start with a blank page and newly-involved citizens.
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