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The Haiku of the U
time to wake for school eight in the morning too soon ditch class until two
parking is hellish product of demons for sure must punish Likins
man preaching Christ resembles Charles Manson walk away slowly
three-dollar coffee someone is getting screwed the someone is me
class lecture droning mind wanders to happy place called on for sure
tight shirt on bosoms girl walks into sorority mind a perfect blank
lunchtime a madhouse thousands of people move about the weak devoured
man asks for dollar I only have fifty cents told to go get more
walking to next class construction everywhere I go this is not progress
student with no vision no passion no brains no heart becomes someone's boss
science lab creates tedium only needed for Gen Ed well-rounded my ass
university bill comes tuition beyond reason school for the rich
homework required focus on getting degree time for Jerry Springer
drinking eases pain pain eased simply by drinking is by eased drinkies
library new home unclean couches are new bed blissful sleep for now
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