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Primate research will continue, officials say
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Even after a vigil, a barrage of e-mails and animal rights objections, a primate researcher at the UA said plans will move forward to open a new psychology laboratory and to continue monkey experimentation.
"Nothing will change," said Fraser Wilson, a University of Arizona assistant psychology professor who will be the first researcher to move his experiments to the new lab.
On to Sydney
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The Arizona men's and women's swimming and diving teams are coming off their best seasons in school history, and they could get better as a number of athletes could be in Sydney, Australia this summer for the 2000 Olympics.
Four swimmers have already qualified, and six more are hopeful that they will be able to represent their country at the Games.
UDPWE should be re-evaluated
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Monday, the Faculty Senate again opened the debate on the utility of the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam. Every student at the university must pass the exam to graduate, but that universality has gotten in the way of its importance. Students in al
l colleges would be better served by a test that focused on aspects of writing more particular to their own specialty.
The UDWPE was established about fifteen years ago as a response to concerns that university students, especially in those colleges in which writing is not focused on in normal classwork, lacked necessary communication skills.
Students to display artwork at Downtown Saturday Night
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A class of 23 UA sculpting students will display their works Saturday at "Conglomeration," a collection of various dimensional works created over the course of this past semester.
The show, to be held at 6 p.m. at this week's Downtown Saturday Night, will occupy an empty store at 312 E. Congress St. It was donated by Rich Rogers Investments and will be converted into a gallery for the night.