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'Outhouse' comic bashes Christians
To the editor, Come on, guys. Did you honestly think that you wouldn't get any complaints from today's 'Out House' comic? It's almost as if Tiger is testing the waters to see exactly how much he can get away with! I can appreciate a good comic as much as the next person, and I do enjoy 'Out House' on occasion because it reminds me of my time at 'Paisley Hall.' But when you make blatant attacks on Christians, you're going too far. You're implying that all Christians are raving lunatics out to bash gays and convert them to heterosexuality at all cost, not unlike Spanish Conquistadors who slaughtered those who resisted Catholicism. And as for the 'Good God Gay Removal System': you are sorely mistaken if you think that Jesus would ever support anything that entailed treating people badly or not loving "thy neighbor as thyself" (I speak of brotherly love, of course). Jesus didn't come to take away hope, but to give hope! My message for Tiger is to lighten up! All Christians aren't bigoted, prejudiced, hatemongers out to ruin the day. And if you can't see that, then you're just as bad as the ones you're purportedly trying to 'enlighten.' Jacob Lauser Drama theory sophomore
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