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NRA cartoon unwarranted
To the editor, I am writing to tell you how disgusted I am of your distasteful choice in publishing the political cartoon on Friday. I have never seen anything more offensive in my life. I find this to be an uneducated attack on the NRA; I myself am not a member of the organization and do not always support them. But in this case I must defend them. The NRA is not the gun-toting group that we see daily in the media. What the media tells you is that they are a bunch of right-wing lunatics that like to shoot and kill things. What they don't tell you is what they have actually done and what they support. I'm sure you have probably heard of the famed "three strikes and you out" law, but did you know that originated from the National Rifle Association? Or what about the "Instant Background Check," that too came from the NRA and that is on their platform. You hear that the NRA does nothing but promote firearms to our youths, but what you don't hear is about the NRA's Eddie Eagle Program in which they spend millions of dollars each year to promote firearm safety to children. Another NRA sponsored program that you don't hear about in the media is "Project Exile." This is a program devised and funded by the NRA to stop the flow of illegal firearms, and it has dropped the crime rate involving firearms by 30%. I now take distasteful attacks on the NRA personally. As a firearms owner, I find this stereotype of a gun-toting redneck insulting. There is such a small percentage of irresponsible gun-owners when compared to the higher population of responsible firearms owners. I feel that you, the media, have an obligation to show both sides to the story, and I hope you will be more responsible when publishing material. Jefrrey Dohanyos undeclared freshman
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