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Some labels fit
To the editor, John A. Ward (in his article "Absolute Value") and Jennifer Penner (in a concurring opinion) have recently published 'arguments' against homosexuality that are grossly unsupported and mired in a lack of critical thought that is unbecoming of those in pursuit of higher education. Ward argues that there exist values that are absolute, yet in an evolving, changing society this is simply not possible. It may seem shocking to him now but there was a time in our history when child abuse was morally acceptable. Ward and those like him hold on to outdated values simply because it is easier than questioning the validity of his beliefs. He will hold these opinions without due examination of the facts and hold them despite facts to the contrary. Just because Ward doesn't like being labeled as a "hate monger," "right-wing extremist" or as "closed-minded" doesn't mean the shoe doesn't fit. Penner's response asserts that homosexuality is "deviant and sick behavior that has become the norm," so as a result she is afraid to bring a child into the world. She is ultimately less concerned with the real damage exposure to teenage violence and drug use pose to children than the perceived threat of exposure to homosexuality. If both she and Ward are suggesting that homosexuality is the cause of the moral decline of America, what is their proof? It's likely that when challenged, these angry souls will find there is no direct or indirect causal link between homosexuality and the moral decline of America. I therefore suggest that this energy be more constructively funneled into issues worthy of our attention. I hope we can all agree that prevention of child abuse is a worthy cause. Or how about educating teenagers in sex or if you prefer, abstinence. We could help children manage their emotions rather to prevent school violence, or maybe we could work to prevent suicides. Open dialogue about real societal threats and active volunteerism in social issues that are truly damaging will certainly do more to help make this world a better place in which to raise children than debating the irrelevant issue of the moral correctness of homosexuality.
Tisha Reedy Psychology senior
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