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Letter writers 'need a hug'

By Saul Friedman
Arizona Daily Wildcat,
November 15, 1999
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To the editor,

I have been reading the Wildcat for the past few days and am so sickened with the ridiculous rants you allow in your editorials. I figure if they have a shot at making print, so do I. First of all, Mr. Noah Bender, I understand you don't find Tommy Cannon's humor to be as whit-ridden as you like ... So what? My guess is you were sharing your thoughts with some of your friends and they weren't interested and said "write to someone who cares." Guess what? We don't. All you managed to show in your letter was some pent-up hostility from your past and the inability to release it in a positive manner. I personally think it was a cry for help. Well, Noah, I'm listening.

Next Mr. David Lee, I understand you were upset to hear a friend of yours was being bashed and that you had to respond. But the fact of the matter is all you did was open up a can of worms for Ms. Lisa Alop to eat on up. Ms. Alop seems to want to make a federal case about First Amendment rights. I don't think Mr. Lee was implying let's crush the Constitution, but rather use more discretion than printing the brutal attacks of one student to another. Also the First Amendment does not protect slander, libel and speech while inciting a riot. After reading his article I for one wanted to tip over some cars. Basically, people, get over it. You don't need to bash people in a public forum, you don't have to give those people credibility by responding to it and you certainly don't need to blow all of this out of proportion. I think what you all need is a hug.

Saul Friedman

B.F.A. acting/directing senior

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