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Arizona Daily Wildcat,
January 25, 2000
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The UA Museum of Art will be presenting two programs today featuring Gayle Wimmer at 3 p.m. and Esther Fuchs at 7 p.m. Wimmer, a part of the UA Art Department faculty will be talking about her work in the Women of the Book; Jewish Artists, Jewish Themes and her most recent work. Fuchs, from the UA Judaic Studies Department will be speaking about a Jewish Women's Scholarship. For more information about these free public events, you can call Alisa Z. Shorr at 621-7567.

Do light and color exist as we see them? Today you can attend a colloquium on "Green Flashes" by Andrew Young from San Diego State University. The lecture will take place in the Kuiper Space Sciences Building Room 308 from 3:30-5 p.m. Bette Evans can give you more information about this lecture at 621-6963.

Now you can learn how to get over writer's block. There will be a graduate writing workshop called "The Process of Writing: Getting started: Overcoming Writer's Block" today at 4 p.m. in Modern Languages Room 311. Kendra Gaines of the Writing Skills Improvement Program will be presenting this workshop. For more information, call Donna Rabuck at 621-5849.

Jeffrey Kharoufeh of Systems and Industrial Engineering will be discussing "Performance Analysis of Freeway Systems Using a Modified Queuing Network Approach" at 4 p.m. in the Engineering building, Room 301. Pitu Mirchandani can answer any questions at 621-6551.

There will be a program in Applied Mathematics PDE Seminar called "Perturbation Theory for the Integrable Defocusing Nonlinear Shroedinger Equation" today at 12:30 p.m. This talk will be given by Kenneth D. McLaughin from the Program in Applied Mathematics in the Mathematics building Room 402. For more information, contact Linda Silverman at 621-2016.

The NCURA will be holding their second workshop called "The Ins and Outs of Contract Language" for those who have ever wondered why university contracts must be negotiated rather than accepted and signed as they are received. The workshop will take place from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Harvill building, Room 201 & 205. Space is limited to 60 so make sure to RSVP to Mary Cox at 621-3513.

Compiled by Niusha Faghih

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