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Mormons polytheistic
To the editor, Strange things coming from the pens of Mormons in the Wildcat these days. Why do they so desperately want to be included in the Christian family when they go out of their way to teach something so contrary to Biblical Christianity? At the heart of Mormon teaching is the notion that God (of planet earth) is NOT eternal but was in reality once a man who was created by ANOTHER God. Indeed any good Mormon who jumps through all the right hoops, will, when he dies, become God of his own planet. Mormons are actually polytheists. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism summarizes this non-Biblical theology in his famous statement "As God once was, so is man, As God is, so man can become." Even more non-Biblical is Brigham Young's (second leader of the Mormon church) teaching that Adam, the first man, was God. Furthermore, the Mormon's believe that God is a physical being with flesh and blood and that Jesus and Satan are brothers, the physical product of sex between God and his wife. You don't have to have much knowledge of the Bible to recognize that these ideas are not only un-biblical but are the farthest thing from Christianity. Mormons can call themselves whatever they like, but Christian they are not.
Philip Alderink Advisor to the Graduate Student Fellowship
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