On Campus


Campus Wildcats A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) Ä Open discussion. Visitors, newcomers, all welcome! Student Health #B.*

Catholic Newman Center Ä Movie "The Christmas Story" and game night, all welcome. 1615 E. Second St. at 8 p.m.

Shotokan Karate Club Ä Practice, new members always welcome. Student Recreation Center Court 8, 5-7 p.m.*

Society of Earth Science Students (SESS) Ä Weekly meeting. Learn about the Earth through speakers, trips and outreach. All welcome. Gould-Simpson Room 209 at 1 p.m.*


Bujinkan Ninjustu Society Ä Training, off campus at Grant Road and Campbell Avenue at 6:30 p.m.*

Catholic Newman Center Ä Mass, 1615 E. 2nd St. at 5:15 p.m.*

Catholic Newman Center Ä Christmas concert and party, 70 voice choir. All welcome. 1615 E. Second St. at 7:30 p.m.


American Tae Kwondo Association Ä Practice, new members always welcome to come and have fun. Student Recreation Center North Gym, 12-1:30 p.m.*

Camp Wildcat Ä General meeting, everyone welcome! Student Union Rincon Room at 7 p.m.*

Catholic Newman Center Ä Masses at 1615 E. 2nd St. at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; 5:00 and 7 p.m.*

Episcopal Canterbury Student Association Ä Worship 9 p.m. Campus Christian Center. 715 N. Park Ave. For info call 623-7576.*

Hillel Ä Dance troupe, a performing group. New members who can commit to the practice schedule are welcome. For more information call 624-6561. Hillel at 7:30 p.m.*

Lutheran Campus Ministry Ä Worship at 10:30 a.m., Campus Christian Center (across from west main gate). Questions? Call 623-7575.*

Methodist Campus Ministry Ä Sunday night fellowship dinner, call 623-7575 for more information. Campus Christian Center, 715 N. Park Ave. at 6 p.m.*

Methodist Campus Ministry Ä Taiz‚ candelight vespers and communion, open to the campus community. Campus Christian Center, 715 N. Park Ave. at 7 p.m.*

UA Field Hockey Club Ä Practice, co-ed, all students, faculty, staff welcome. North of McKale, off Mall at 5 p.m. (or two hours before sundown).*

* Meets every Friday, Saturday or Sunday at this time and location

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