By Kelly Canright
Arizona Daily Wildcat
There was a game of musical chairs going on within the College of Arts and Sciences at Monday's Faculty Senate meeting.
The African American Studies program and the Russian and Slavic Studies program both moved from the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences to the Faculty of Humanities.
Dipankar Chavrakart, marketing professor, said the African American studies program nationally is focused on disciplines like comparative literature and cultural studies.
He said these disciplines are central to the program's move into the Faculty of Humanities and will constitute a key criteria in the recruitment of scholars to the unit.
Chakravarti also commented on the Russian and Slavic Studies move into the Faculty of Humanities.
The decision reflected a multifold of needs within the department, Chakravarti said. "It affects the students. The group of people involved were very much in favor of this."
Both programs were introduced into the Faculty of Humanities after the senate approved both motions for admittance.
The senate also took action on the name change and deletion of various degrees.
Lynn Joens, chair of the Instruction and Curriculum Policy Committee and a veterinary science professor, discussed the committee's deliberation on renaming degrees.
He said general fine arts studies should be changed to fine arts studies. Also, the word "general" is superfluous, and fine arts studies is a "strong viable degreee," Joens said.
The senate approved the motion to change the name of the bachelor of fine arts degree and also voted to change the name of the department of anatomy to the department of cell biology and anatomy.
The masters of science degrees in poultry science and in dairy science were deleted by the Senate.
No students are presently enrolled in either major, nor has a degree been pursued in either field since 1981. The Graduate Council approved the proposal on Feb. 18.
The graduate majors in electrical engineering was changed to electrical and computer engineering.
Regarding these formal changes Joens said he thought that previous to this, changes were published, but still had to be formally approved by the senate.
John McElroy, English professor and James O'Brien, music professor were elected to serve a one-year term on the Faculty Budget and Strategic Planning Committee.