The Associated Press
AUSTIN, Texas Ÿ Edye Smith, the red-haired young mom who lost her two little boys in the Oklahoma bombing, knows she can't replace Chase and Colton. But at 23, she's not ready to give up on the idea of having a family.
Today, she will undergo surgery to try to reverse the tubal ligation she had two years ago so that she can get pregnant again.
A doctor and a hospital are offering their services for free.
''When I heard about this, it was just a gift from God. I just couldn't believe it,'' Smith said. ''I've never been so excited about having surgery.''
Smith said that she had gotten her fallopian tubes tied the day after Colton was born in February 1993 because ''I always planned to have two kids, and that was it.''
Now, in the wake of the April bombing that claimed the lives of Colton and his 3-year-old brother, she and her 29-year-old ex-husband, Tony, want to have more children.
The couple were divorced in December, but they live together in Oklahoma City and Smith said they plan to re-marry. ''We were never really apart,'' he said.