By Jennifer Amavisca
Arizona Daily Wildcat
The Associated Students undergraduate senate refused to pass the annual budget last night, instead voting unanimously to allocate leftover summer funds to maintain ASUA operations.
Until the fall budget negotiations are finalized, the senate's financial hands remain tied.
"Right now, we have no budget," said ASUA senate chairman Jonathan Bierner.
The nine-member undergraduate senate managed to find money previously left untouched from the summer budget, Bierner explained, but it must be spent by the end of the week.
"We didn't have a quorum for the past three weeks, so we couldn't pass the summer budget," he said. "If we don't use the $1,500 by Friday, it will be gone."
After approving the summer budget, the senate passed four motions which will fund various ventures totalling approximately $1,000.
Bierner moved to place two advertisements in the Daily Wildcat. The first would notify students about the senators' office hours and applications for senatorial aides.
Bierner's second advertisement will solicit volunteers to help in the formation of an "Under 21 club."
"I want to get students involved in events that don't require a valid ID," he said.
The senate also approved Senator Gahl Leddel's Basketball League advertisement notifying students about applications for 15 board of directors and 24 coaches. All three motions passed unanimously.
In addition to the advertisements, the senate moved to fund Senator Gilbert Davidson's trip to a National Student Union Conference in Phoenix.
Charles Ingram, UA associate budget director, also attended the meeting to answer senators' questions about where ASUA receives its funding from.
ASUA funding comes from three main sources: student registration fees, a percentage of bookstore sales and other fund-raising, such as Spring Fling, he said.
Because the association's funding cannot be accurately predicted from year to year, ASUA budgets must be approved annually, Ingram explained.