Put columnist to pasture


Please! Please please please! Take him out of the paper! This tirade has gone on long enough! I am not a liberal, or a conservative Ÿ I am someone who thinks about issues and then takes a stand. For Mr. Keisling, there doesn't seem to be a thoughtful, sensible middle ground. That is where fascist ideals come from Ÿ it is called extremism.

This guy is a lunatic, and not even a good writer. What ever happened to being scholarly and making sense? His words are a waste of oxygen, and his writing is a waste of, yes, precious resources. But he would probably think Ÿ "Hey, if I need it, I'll use it Ÿ I won't be here when I'm gone, right? Screw the future!"

Speaking of reality checks, perhaps it is time John did a little traveling, and realized that there are people different from him, even colored differently, with distinctive and well-thought-out and positive value systems and other ways to think, act, and believe than his. I seem to remember something to the tune of ". let he without sin cast the first stone, . judge not others ." Does he deny that there really is oppression, poverty, and discrimination that isn't all self-induced or caused by "liberals" Ÿ maybe even practiced by Mr. Reality himself!

Mr. Keisling's one-track rantings are a nuisance at the very least, and I beg you to put him kindly to pasture.

Brian Kilp

Music Doctoral Candidate

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