The university fights tooth and nail for every dime possible. A revenue is turned selling textbooks at inflated prices. The Parking and Transportation department generates millions by overselling permits ranging from $170 to over $300, plus countless "violations" in the sum of $25 or more.
These borderline illegal practices continue daily. Fine, that's business, but never again send anything to my home similar to the flyer my parents received last week. The mailer described a poor, struggling university which is barely able to stand on its own two feet. This guilt trip states that without more money, the already-struggling Statistics Department would cease to exist.
My parents are spending a fortune as it is to pay my out-of-state tuition. The last thing they need is to read university propaganda implying that without even more cash, the education of the students will be sacrificed. I feel that is blackmail and very unprofessional for a recognized university.
Jeff Cary
Criminal Justice Administration Sophomore