WAVE demonstration
Women against violence (WAVE) will hold a meeting/demonstration today to protest violence against women.
The demonstration will be at 5:30 p.m. on the UA Mall in front of the Main Library.
The meeting/protest is in memory of Nicole Brown Simpson.
Food Drive
The Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity held its 10th Annual Watermelon Bust Food Drive during the week of Sept. 11-16.
Over 450 sorority members helped Lambda Chi Alpha raise 10,326 pounds of canned food for the Tucson Community Food Bank, to be distributed to the hungry of Tucson. With this year's food collections, the fraternity has been able to raise over 55,000 pounds of food in the last four years.
Pi Beta Phi sorority was the overall champion, having collected 2,886 pounds of food, with Chi Omega coming in second and Alpha Chi Omega placing third.
The other sororities that participated this year are: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta Chi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Delta Tau and Sigma Kappa.
Kolbe internships
Republican Congressman Jim Kolbe's office is now accepting applications from college students interested in spring semester internships.
The deadline for applying is Oct. 31, and interviews will be conducted on Nov. 4.
Interested students should contact Pat Klein in Kolbe's Tucson office at 881-3588.
Teaching awards
The Summer of Excellence in Teaching awards have been announced by the UA Office of Summer Session.
The 1995 winners are journalism professor Jacqueline Sharkey; Richard L. Lopez, Jr., lecturer in teaching and teacher education; and Katherine Taylor, graduate Teaching Assistant in anthropology.
An awards program and reception will be held on Oct. 31, at 2:30 p.m., at the Student Union Rincon Room. Call 624-8632, ext. 250 for reservations.
Women's soccer
The UA women's soccer (3-5) team will face USC (4-4-1) today at 7 p.m. at Udall Park to kick off the UA Soccer Tournament.
The tournament will also feature UA soccer against Utah, Sunday at 11 a.m. at Pima Community College.