Fencer's Club Ÿ practice for fencers of all levels in Giddings gym from 6 to 8 p.m. *
Phi Lambda Phrateres Ÿ orientation in Student Union Room 351 at 7 p.m.
Shorin Ryu Karate Club Ÿ training in Student Recreation Center from 8 to 10 p.m. *
Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) Ÿ Student Union Cactus Lounge room 280 meeting at 5 p.m.*
United Campus Ministry Ÿ Campus Christian Center (715 N. Park Ave.) study and meal at 6 p.m.*
Vietnamese Student Association Ÿ meeting in Student Union Room 283 at 4 p.m. *
* every Monday at this time and place
Campus Calendar is a free service of the Arizona Daily Wildcat. All Campus Calendar listings must be received two days prior to the day of publication. Events must be university or student sponsored, or must take place on the University of Arizona campus to be considered for publication in Campus Calendar. Pick up and return forms to the Wildcat newsroom, Student Union Room 4.