For going on four years now, I have sat idly by reading all the staff editorials in the Wildcat and never have I been so upset to take pen to paper and voice my opinion on any topic until now. Specifically, I am addressing the issue of incorporating a bar into the Student Union ("Bar could be just what Union needs," Sept. 21) I am shocked and even appalled that this idea is actually being considered to help the Union "step toward fiscal self-reliance."
The editorial states that mildly intoxicated students would be within walking distance of their residences. The Student Union Planning Team needs to think! Providing a place where students can drink on campus only serves to exacerbate an already dangerous problem on our nation's campuses. I suppose the Student Union Planning Team hasn't thought that on campus are parking lots, and in those lots are vehicles, and potentially driving those vehicles are "mildly intoxicated students." Yes, driving rather than walking to their destinations.
Being a pedestrian on campus is dangerous enough. The thought of having the next car to drive by me be filled with students who are "mildly intoxicated" after drinking at the Union's pub is scary and unconscionable.
It is upsetting that the Student Union Planning Team is not committed to creating a safer campus for people. Especially after Rape Awareness Week, a little more thought should have been exercised on the issue of building a bar in the central part of campus.
To the members of the Student Union Planning Team, what is next on the agenda for the Student Union? Perhaps a strip club? This also could be "a convenient on-campus location to socialize with friends in a relaxed atmosphere." Some ideas are worth fighting for, but the idea of introducing a bar in the Student Union is not even worth wasting valuable time thinking about it.
Eric William Matlack
Mechanical Engineering Senior