By Adam Hartmann
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Students at the three state universities may not have to dig deep in their pockets for more money next year D a look back at comments by members of the Arizona Board of Regents suggests they are not expecting a large tuition increase, if one at all.
The board will set 1994-95 tuition rates for the universities at its meeting today and tomorrow in the University of Arizona Student Union's Rincon Room.
But as of now, regents have no formal recommendation from the three university presidents on what next year's tuition should be, only a suggestion by a statewide student lobbying group that any increase be applied incrementally.
The board raised resident tuition $250 and non-resident tuition $350 at its meeting last April, bringing fees this year to $1,844 and $7,284 respectively.
Regent Art Chapa said last year's increase was a result of low state funds and he does not expect a similar increase this year.
"I can't imagine our board agreeing to a jump like that again," he said in February.
Regent Eddie Basha said he would not support an increase, saying he wants the universities to get out of the mindset that they must raise tuition to offset deficits.
"What truly concerns me is the mindset of leadership in this state, to use increased tuition as the driving force to run the universities," he said. "We don't want to keep anyone from attending college."
Regent John Munger said earlier he thought there would be an increase between $25 and $50.
UA President Manuel T. Pacheco has agreed with Munger that there will probably be a small increase, but said he did not know how large it would be.
"I think that's always a position we need to take," he said in February of the possibility of a tuition increase. "I think it would be foolish to think otherwise."
Regent Hank Amos was elected to the board on Feb. 3 and has not yet participated in the tuition-setting process. He said he wants to see the universities increase efficiency before increasing tuition.
But he added that increasing costs might necessitate a tuition increase.
"Periodically, there needs to be a review: are we able to provide a quality education at the price we're charging?" he said.
Patrick McWhortor, executive director of the Arizona Students' Association, a statewide student lobbying group, said he had not heard tuition recommendations from the university presidents.
"If folks are silent, there must be no need to raise tuition," McWhortor said. "We're going into tomorrow expecting there is no proposal (to raise tuition)."
Student Regent Spencer Insolia said yesterday he thought the board was considering a maximum increase of $50 for resident tuition.
McWhortor said he had heard the $50 figure, but he did not understand it.
"I've heard several figures floated, but I've heard almost nothing about what they need the $50 for," he said. "You shouldn't raise tuition just because you want to raise tuition." Read Next Article