Streak the U of A Mall naked.
Amanda Hoelter
Undeclared Freshman
I wanted to climb up the clock tower and talk to Abel Duffy.
Charles Wilson
Economics Freshman
Smoke pot in front of the police station.
Mike Twineham
Music Senior
Letting the animals out of the places where they test animals. I'm for animal rights, but I've always feared going into the places to set them free.
Davina Cowan
Photography Sophomore
Steal underwear from Victoria's Secret.
Sarah Fey
Exercise and Sports Science Sophomore
Go into the DMV and get a fake ID.
Bonnie Proll
Speech and Hearing
Drink and drive. I have a jeep and I usually like to take off to the desert, but you can't have any beers when you do that.
Rob Huzn
Electrical Engineering Junior
Use somebody else's credit card and totally max it out.
Jennifer Grgurich
Exercise and Sports Science Freshman
I'd like to hit a bucket of golf balls on the Mall towards the Administration building. I'd use a four-iron club, of course.
Brian Murphy
Media Arts Junior
Compiled by Norman Peckham. Photos by Randi Lynn Kirschner. Read Next Article