
Alliance Francaise Ä Awards ceremonies for French students. SU 285. 3 p.m. and Catalina H.S. Little Theater, 7 p.m. w/ participation of M. Jean-Claude Terrac, Cultural Attach‚ in L.A.

American Taekwondo Association Club Ä Practice. Bear Down Gym 6-7 p.m. New members welcome.

AmerInd Club Ä Weekly meeting. 5 p.m. Nugent 203.

Arizona Student Atheists Ä Meeting. 7 p.m. SU 284. Over 10% of the U.S. is Atheist but less than 10% of the prison population is atheist???

Buddhist Fellowship Ä Ada Peirce. McCormick Bldg Chapel entrance. 5:30 p.m. Please bring a cushion.

Campus Christian Center Ä Exploring the Chrisian Life. 3:30 p.m. at 715 N. Park Ave. Low-key, no-pressure gathering. Questions? 623-7575.

Campus Crusade for Christ Ä Meeting 7 p.m. Bio East Rm. 100. Everyone welcome.

Campus Wildcats A.A.(Alcoholics Anonymous) Ä Meeting. 12-12:55 p.m. Student Health Center Rm. D. Open discussion, complimentary literature. Visitors, newcomers, all welcome.

Catholic Newman Center Ä Bible study: Letters of St. Paul. 12:30 p.m. 2nd and Cherry. Faith sharing group at 7..

ÄBook of Revelation 7:30 p.m. Ist session of 3-part Revelation by Fr. Michael Sherwin.

Cliffhanger Society Ä Rockclimbing club informal. Cactus Lounge. Questions? Scott or Mike at 293-7192.

Deutscher Studenten Klub Ä Meeting. 3:30 p.m. Klubhaus on 6th/Fremont.

Economics Undergraduate Society Ä Julie Anderson from Erns and Young speaking. 5:30 p.m. McClelland 124. All Majors welcome.

Engineering Student Council Ä Joyous Hour. 5-7 p.m. Gentle Ben's. Come meet other engineers at relaxed social hour.

Episcopal Canterbury Student Association Ä Supper, program, fellowship. 6:30 p.m. Campus Christian Center, 715 N. Park.

Frisky Business Ä Weekly meeting. Old Main Rm. 222.

Hillel Conference on the Holocaust Ä Revisionism and the Legal Aspects of Hate Crimes. 12 p.m. Law School 146. Discussion and Q&A w/ Prof. Sol Littman.

ÄSolomon Perel. 7:30 p.m. Harvill Auditorium. Europa Europa was based on Solomon Perel's amazing story. Should not be missed. Free, first come, first served basis. Co-sponsored by ASUA.

Ä Israel Independence Day Party. 9 p.m. at Hillel. Celebrate freedom, life and Israel's birthday. Food, music, dance. For more info on Hillel events call 624-6561.

MANRR's UA Chapter Ä General membership meeting. 6 p.m. FCR 101. New members welcome.

Math movies Ä 2 films: "Seven Bridges of Konigsberg," "Marriage Theorem." 4 p.m. FCR 202.

Mexican Student Association Ä Meeting. 5:30 p.m. SU Rm. 283. Cactus Lounge entrance. New members welcome.

MISA Ä Presentation by Motorola. 6 p.m. Old BPA 309. Refreshments at 5:30. Nominations for new officers at 6..

New-Traditional Students (25 years old or more) Ä NTS drop-in center. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. SU 353. Come have a seat, rest your feet & meet other "New-Trads."

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Ä Meeting. New members welcome. Harvill Rm. 404. 5 p.m.

Student Health Center Ä "Healthy Relationships." second session. 1:30-2:45 p.m. Student Health Rm E. Free. Questions?621-3334.

Students for Ecology Peace and Justice Ä 6 p.m. SU Rm. 282. Earth Day meetings Sun. afternoons, place TBA.

SUAB Ä Open Mic Poetry. 8-9 p.m. Student Union cellar. Coffee provided by Union Square Cafe. $.50/cup $.25/refill.

U of A Students for Kundalini Yoga (UA-SKY) Ä Weekly introductory lecture, open discussions. 5-6:30 p.m. SU 285. Open to students, staff, faculty, general public.

Wado Karate Club Ä Practice. 9 p.m. Rec Center Rm. B. Beginning class starts at 10:30 p.m.

Wildcat Bridge Club Ä Bridge. 5:30 p.m. at Cactus Lounge.

Women's Resource Center Ä Incest support group. 5:30 p.m. SU Rm. 202.

Wranglers Service Honorary Ä Meeting. 6 p.m. Student Union Rm. 280 Read Next Article