The Associated Press
HOUSTON Ä A car having a bad hair day?
You bet. The sight of an old station wagon covered with human hair and giant curlers can mean only one thing: it's time for the seventh annual Art Car Parade.
"We all got rid of all that garbage we stuck in our hair for so long. It was a liberation process," said Dawn Fudge, who helped create the hairmobile.
"We went to several beauty shops and they saved hair for us for about two months."
Some 220 art cars, classic cars, low-riders, motorcycles, bands and bicycles will participate in the parade this weekend.
Some of the entries:
The Eyes of Texas, a car coated with eyeballs, arms, hands, fingernails, sheriff badges and mirrors by Houston middle-school students.
Magic City Golden Transit, a vehicle adorned with thin sheets of gold leaf, thousands of pieces of mirror, hundreds of Day-Glo yo-yos, 600 pairs of Barbie doll shoes, rhinestones and three pieces of decorated luggage.
Bat Out of Hell on Wheels, a car that, well, looks like a giant bat.
Jennifer McKay, parade coordinator, sees the parade as an exercise in self-expression. Read Next Article