By Carolyn Smith
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Although camping is not part of a regular university curriculum, members of Camp Wildcat make a point of including it in their schedules.
Camp Wildcat is a nonprofit, student-run organization dedicated to providing outings like day camps and hikes for underprivileged children between the ages of 3 and 18.
"Camp Wildcat is one of the best organizations I've been in on campus," said Alethea Stachow, a psychology senior and former member. "The intent isn't to try and change the kids' lives in one weekend, but to provide alternative ways to having fun and meeting new people."
President Anthony Rohrer said Camp Wildcat provides a twofold opportunity for UA students. They can get involved on
campus with peers and make friends through the club, provide a service for the community on a professional basis, and learn excellent "people" skills.
"If I were a freshman and looking for a club to join so I could put something good on my resum‚, I couldn't go wrong joining Camp Wildcat," Rohrer said.
Aside from dealing with financially underprivileged children, Camp Wildcat has provided various outings for emotionally and physically handicapped kids. Rohrer said he uses the term "special population" to categorize the people he works with.
There are about 50 members, and new people sign up for various activities they want to be involved in throughout the year, he said.
In addition to providing a useful service to the community, students can meet people, even future spouses, through Camp Wildcat.
"I met my fiancee through this organization, and we plan to be married this May," Rohrer said.
"There are a lot of things about the UA that I will forget in 20 years, but I will never forget any of the kids I've worked with, any of the friends I've made. It's one of the best things I've ever done as a student," Rohrer said.
Camp Wildcat members meet every Sunday night in the Rincon Room of the Student Union at 7:00 p.m. and new members are always welcome, Rohrer said.