Arizona Model United Nations - Meeting, Social Science Room 307 at 5:30 p.m.*
Canterbury Association (Episcopal) - Beginning Theological Reflection Class. A basic group method in discernment of God and vocation. Student Union Room 282 at 6:30 p.m.*
Canterbury Association - Gandhi movie, Part IV. Movie, discussion, free meal, call 623-7576 for information. Campus Christian Center at 6:30 p.m.
Cliffhanger Society - Weekly meeting. Questions? Call Kellie at 881-1180 or Derrick at 327-1524. Beginners welcomed. Student Union Cactus Lounge Room 280 at 6 p.m.*
Hillel - Jewish women's group meeting, Hillel at 5 p.m.
Sierra Club - Films, "No Room For Wilderness," "Dust Bowl" and "Bulldozed America." PAS 201 at 7:45 p.m.
UA Boxing Club - Practice, Park Fitness Center at 7 p.m.*
* Meets every Thursday at this time and location
All On Campus listings must be received two days prior to the day of publication. Events must be either university- or student-sponsored, or must take place on the UA campus. Forms are available in Student Union Room 4.