By Jason Fierstein
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Political cynicism and bashing mixed with booze mixed with Dennis Miller Ä are these the beginnings of a wacky ride into the chaos of Washington D.C.'s political three-ring circus? On Jan. 24, 25 colleges around the U.S., including the University of Arizona, will be participating in "State of the Union: Undressed", a televised drinking game hosted by Comedy Central intended to introduce political consciousness into the lives of coeds and have a little intoxicating fun at the same time.
As President Clinton delivers his State of the Union address to Americans on both sides of the political spectrum (Gingrich-wannabes and flaming liberals alike), Dennis Miller will satirize the speech, giving play-by-play analysis to college students watching Comedy Central on Tuesday, at selected bars on or near college campuses. Comedy Central has selected O'Malleys on Fourth Avenue as their spot to host the bar game in Tucson.
According to a Jan. 9 article released by the New York Times, the 1994-5 freshman class is "less interested and involved in politics than any entering class in the last 29 years." A statement by Art Bell, senior vice president of marketing on the Comedy Central team, said of their bid to promote "political" activism: "We hope that the interactive bar game will help involve college students in the political process through this year's 'State of the Union.'"
Well, maybe Comedy Central's ironic statement was actually meant to invite most collegiates of drinking age, since few freshman look old enough to pass for 21 (or they have damn great fake IDs).
The event, which will be televised live on the Comedy Central network, involves specific drinking rules and etiquette. For example, when Hillary Clinton appears on screen, the crowd is asked to stand at attention, salute the "commander in chief," and drink up. When Ted Kennedy appears on the show, they must take a drink (preferably Chivas - a Kennedy preferred drink) and drop their pants around their ankles. When Bob Packwood is on the tube, the masses must grab the ass of the person sitting to their left and offer him or her a drink. Sounds politically correct enough to theatrically play out, in bar fashion, the real "virtues" of our leaders in Washington.
Comedy Central hosts the third annual "State of the Union: Undressed" at O'Malley's on Fourth Avenue ,Tuesday, Jan. 24. Dennis Miller will appear on the Comedy Central network promptly at 7 p.m. T-shirts and prizes will be given away for participants in the interactive bar game. Call 623-8600 for more information.