On Campus


American Kenpo Karate Club - Practice, new members welcome. Park Fitness Center, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.*

Archaeology Club - Weekly meeting, new members always welcome! Anthropology building Room 219 at 5 p.m.*

Arizona Student Pagans - Shamanism: Talk and Discussion. All welcome. Student Union Room 283, 5:30 p.m.

Campus Wildcat AA - Open discussion meeting, newcomers and visitors welcome. Student Health Center Room "D" from noon-1 p.m.*

Hardware and Computing Knowledge Society - Regular meeting. Bio West 208, 6 p.m.

Hillel - Conference on the Holocaust memorial vigil. UA Mall at noon.

Hillel - Conference on the Holocaust featuring an art performance and candlelight march. UA Mall, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Honors Student Association - Meeting. Student Union Room 256 at 6 p.m.*

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - General meeting. Electric and Computer Engineering Room 512 at 5:15 p.m.*

Lesbian Discussion Group - Open to lesbians and bisexual women. Women's Resource Center, Student Union Room 202 at 6:30 p.m.*

Off Campus Cats - Meeting. New members welcome. Student Union Room 353 from noon to 1 p.m.*

Society of Automotive Engineers - General meeting. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Room 207, 5 p.m.*

Phi Lambda Phrateres - Pledge meeting. Harvill Building Room 208, at 6 p.m.*

Phi Lambda Phrateres - Active meeting. Harvill Building Room 204, at 7 p.m.*

Rational Recovery - Weekly meeting. A recovery program for drug and alcohol dependence - not a 12 step program. For more information, call 294-4587. Old Main Room 222 at noon.*

Shorin-Ryu Karate Club - Training, new members always welcome. Student Recreation Center Room B, 8-10 p.m.*

Shotokan Karate Club - Practice. New members always welcome. Student Rec. Center Court 8, from 7-9 p.m.*

Student Environmental Action Coalition, Southwest - Weekly meeting. Come work on environmental and social justice issues. Student Union Cactus Lounge, Room 283 at 5 p.m.*

UA Fencers - Weekly Practice. Come and cross blades! North Gym at the Student Rec. Center from 5-7:30 p.m.*

Hillel - Ronald McDonald House. Meet at Hillel at 5 p.m.

United Campus Ministry - Meal and study. An open discussion and free expression of ideas. Campus Christian Center, 715 N. Park Ave. at 6 p.m.*

Vietnamese Students Association - Weekly meeting. Student Union Room 285 at 4 p.m.*

Wildcat Archery Club - Shooting practice/FITA qualifiers. All archers welcome. Some equipment available. At the Wildcat archery range, tucked between the UA track and the Wildcat sports field from 4-6 p.m.*

* Meets every Monday at this time and location

All On Campus listings must be received two days prior to the day of publication. Events must be either university or student sponsored, or must take place on the UA campus. Forms are available in Student Union Room 4.

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