Foreigners' insurance benefits students


I have been involved in the Student Health Advisory Council, an ASUA club, for the past two years, and I have become proud of the UA's Campus Health Service. Dr. DeArmond and the rest of the providers have proven to be dedicated to improving the services offered to students while maintaining competitive health insurance rates. In return, the UA's Campus Health Services is respected by other college health services across the country. The number and quality of services offered go beyond the norm for college campuses.

As far as the required insurance for foreign exchange students, it has been an institutional regulation for decades, but is now strengthened by recent federal regulations. Some schools allow a waiver with an alternate proof of insurance. The UA has chosen not to offer this because it has been found that some students purchase the insurance, show proof of insurance to the Campus Health Center, and proceed to cancel the policy to get their money back. The health centers have no way of following up on this to know if the policy is valid. The problem with that is if an emergency should arise, the student would in no way be covered for medical bills which can rise into the thousands of dollars. This insurance is to protect these students as they are far away from home and are generally not eligible for federal safety net programs. The UA insurance program provides numerous benefits, and students are encouraged to take advantage of them.

I would hope further concerns about Campus Health would be brought to the attention of the Student Health Advisory Council, because we are there to help. We serve as a liaison for the students to Campus Health.

I hope this cleared up questions and concerns.

Laura DeMuro
health and human services administration sophomore