Harry Browne best choice in presidential race


I write in reference to both Richard M. Howell's and John Keisling's Oct. 9 and 10 letters respectively titled, "Dole deserves our respect, but the issues say re-elect President Clinton" and "Dole 'obvious choice' over Clinton."

While the media oohs and aahs over the beauty pageant for the mainstream...oh, I mean the presidential "debates," the electronic community appears to be the only segment of America that knows who the obvious choice for president really is.

Harry Browne leads by a handsome margin in at least three-quarters of Internet polls.

When asked to open the presidential debates to all candidates on the ballot in all 50 states (Perot, Clinton, Browne, and Dole), the Commission on Presidential Debates (composed entirely of former leaders of the two major parties), gave us excuses, excuses, excuses!

While the "big two" one-up each other on who can come down hardest on victimless crime, who can increase the weight of the U.S. Code by more pounds, who can write the fattest rubber check to a politically correct special interest group, and who can increase the mass of our bulging, seething, frothing government the most, Harry Browne simply but perceptively points out that government doesn't work.

Browne refused to steal your money for political welfare. Clinton and Dole took $61.8 million and Perot took $29 million from our paychecks to spend on political propaganda to indoctrinate the American people into thinking that they need government and that if only we get the right people, the right program, and the right amount of cash, that government can solve problems that have a clear history of increasing with our ever-increasing government.

The astute know that all the matching funds in the world will not change the fact that economics and history teach us quite a different lesson than these power-hungry politicians would like us to stop and examine.

It all sounds nice and rosy when someone says that they have the magical way in which government will solve the problems of education, environment, and crime, but we are the generation that will get the government's credit card bill!

Before deciding which one of the mainstream candidates has the best plan to make the cement canoe float, get out your critical thinking paddle, examine the similarities between the two collectivist ideologies, and turn the assumptions that characterize this way of thinking into questions.

Jackie Casey
non degree-seeking graduate student