On Campus


Alpha Phi Omega Ä Chartering co-ed service fraternity, everyone welcome. Student Union Room 281 at 6 p.m.*

Advertising Club Ä Speaker Al Hampel, "There's always room for Jello campaign," McClelland Hall Room 133 at 7:30 p.m.

Alpha Phi Omega Ä Chartering service co-ed fraternity weekly gathering, everyone welcome. Student Union Room 281 at 6 p.m.*

American Tae Kwondo Association Ä Practice, new members always welcome to come and have fun. Student Recreation Center Room B, 8-9 p.m.*

Arizona Ambassadors Ä Weekly meeting. Nugent Building at 5 p.m.*

BPA Student Council Ä Meeting, McClelland Hall Room 103 at 5:30 p.m.*

Bear Down Club Ä General meeting in front of Old Main by Bookstore, 5:15 p.m.*

Bujinkan Ninjustu Society Ä Training, north of Hillenbrand on the Mall at 6:30 p.m.*

Camp Wildcat Ä Fundraising meeting, Camp Wildcat office at 5 p.m.*

Camp Wildcat Ä Day activities meeting at Cafe Paraiso (University Boulevard) at 6 p.m.*

Canterbury Association Ä Spiritual expeditions. "Outings to encounter God, self and others in the great outdoors."*

Chain Gang Ä Weekly meeting. Student Union Room 285 at 6 p.m.*

Challenge Ä Meeting, Hillel, 1245 E. Second St. at 6 p.m.

Chimes Junior Honorary Ä Meeting in Economics Room 303 at 6 p.m.*

Codependents Anonymous (CoDA) Ä Meeting, Student Health Center, Room D, noon-1p.m.*

The Desert Yearbook Ä Staff meeting, Student Union basement at 6 p.m.*

Episcopal Campus Ministry Ä Tuesday Eucharist (Holy Communion) with relaxed, informal brief worship. Campus Christian Center, 715 N. Park Ave. at 12:15 p.m.*

First Year Student Center Ä Free tutoring and academic advising for first year students. Student Union, Union Square Cafe, 5-8 p.m.*

Hillel Judaic Committee Ä The emergence of Jewish leadership, Hillel, 1245 E. Second St. at 11 a.m.

Hillel Social Committee Ä Scavenger hunt, Hillel at 7 p.m.

Historical Games Society Ä Weekly meeting in Economics Room 405, 6-10 p.m.*

Knight Kats Ä Fighter practice, heavy infantry. UA Mall in front of the Student Health Center from 7-9 p.m.*

Mexican Student Association Ä Update on Homecoming, Student Union Cactus Lounge Room 281 at 5 p.m.*

Movimiento Chicano de Aztl n (MEChA) Ä General meeting, everyone welcome. Chicano center, Bear Down 200 at 5 p.m.*

Phi Alpha Delta (pre-law fraternity) - UA Law School Room 146 at 7 p.m.*

Nutrition Fitness Forum Ä Health education speakers and volunteer opportunities, come for discussion and free munchies! Shantz Room 242E at 3:45 p.m.

Preludes Ä Weekly meeting, Student Union Room 281 at 5:30 p.m.

Presbyterian University Ministry Ä Everyone welcome! Campus Christian Center, 715 N. Park Ave., 6:30-8:30 p.m.*

Sophos Honorary Ä Meeting, bring pizza money! Meet at the flagpole at 5:30 p.m.*

SPIRES Ä Meeting. Student Union Room 280 at 5:30 p.m.*

Toastmasters Ä Regular meeting, McClelland Hall Room 131 at 5:30 p.m.*

UA Baha'¡ Club Ä Meeting, everyone is welcome. For more information, call 884-1884. Student Union Room 284 at 7:30 p.m.

UA Women's Lacrosse Ä Practice, new members welcome. Bear Down Field at 4:30 p.m.*

Ultimate Frisbee Club Ä Practice. Coed, open to athletes of all ability. Wildcat field at 4:30 p.m.*

Wado Karate Club Ä Practice. Student Recreation Center Room B from 9-10:30 p.m.*

* Meets every Tuesday at this time and location

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