On Campus


Accounting Club/American Bar Association - Volunteer Income Tax assistance for federal and state returns. McClelland Hall Room 123, from 1-5 p.m.*

American Taekwondo Association - Practice. New members always welcome! Student Rec. Center Room "B" from 8-9 p.m.*

Arizona Model United Nations - Meeting, Social Science Room 307 at 5:30 p.m.*

Arizona Student Atheists - Meeting. Ruthless Iconoclasty! Student Union Room 285.

Buddhist Fellowship - Meditation, AP McCormick Building chapel at 5:30 p.m.*

Camp Wildcat - Public relations meeting. Camp Wildcat office at 4 p.m.*

Campus Crusade for Christ - Weekly Meeting. Bio East 100, 7 p.m.*

Campus Wildcat AA - Open discussion meeting. Newcomers and visitors welcome. Student Health Center Room "D" from noon to 1 p.m.*

Canterbury Episcopal Student Association - "Meeting Jesus again for the First Time," book discussion on Jesus seminar. Food, fellowship and challenging discussion. Campus Christian Center, 715 N. Park, at 6 p.m.*

Cliffhanger Society - Rockclimbing club weekly meeting. Questions? Call Kellie at 881-1180 or Derrick at 327-1524. Beginners welcome. Student Union Cactus Lounge Room 280 at 6 p.m.*

Deutscher Studenten Klub - Meeting, everyone welcome! Modern Languages 506 at 3:30 p.m.*

Frisky Business - Meeting. Old Main Room 222 at 4 p.m.*

Hillel - Candle making - Rosh Chodesh. Hillel, 7:30 p.m.

International Business Student Organization (IBSO) - Dr. Bob Berault, president of Berault Optics Research Organization, will speak. McClelland Room 132, 5 p.m.

International Student Association/CISS - Culture Cafe. Student Union Rincon Room noon-1 p.m.*

Phi Eta Sigma - Going to Laff's Comedy Club. Carpool will meet at Old Main.

Quaker University Organization - Weekly brown-bag luncheon. Student Union Room 284 at noon.*

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers - Meeting. New members always welcome! Harvill Building at 5 p.m.*

Society of Physics Students - SPS Undergraduate Research Lab Open House. Physics and Atmospheric Sciences Room 349. Free food and lots of great opportunities for student research.

UA Boxing Club - Practice, Park Fitness Center at 7 p.m.*

UA Women's Rugby Club - Practice. Anyone Welcome! Oury Park, N.E. corner of I-10 and St. Mary's. Thursday at 6:15-8 p.m.*

WADO Karate Club - Practice. Student Rec. Center Room "B" at 9 p.m. Beginning class at 10:30 p.m.*

Wildcat Archery Club - Shooting practice, FITA qualifiers. All archers welcome. Some equipment available. At the Wildcat Archery Range, tucked between the UA track and Wildcat sports field, 4-6 p.m.*

Wranglers - Meeting. Student Union Room 283 at 6:30 p.m.*

Ultimate Frisbee Club - Practice, coed, beginners welcome. Wildcat fields, 4:30-7 p.m.*

* Meets every Thursday at this time and location

All On Campus listings must be received two days prior to the day of publication. Events must be either university or student sponsored, or must take place on the UA campus. Forms are available in Student Union Room 4.

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