On Campus


American Tae Kwon Do Association Ä Practice. New members always welcome. Come and have fun! Student Rec. Center Room "B" from 8-9 p.m.*

Arizona Ambassadors Ä Weekly meeting, Nugent Building at 5 p.m.*

BPA Student Council Ä Meeting. McClelland Hall Room 133 at 5:30 p.m.*

Camp Wildcat Ä Day activities meeting. Gentle Ben's at 7 p.m.*

Campus Wildcat AA Ä Open discussion meeting, newcomers and visitors welcome. Student Health Center Room "D" from noon-1 p.m.*

Canterbury Association (Episcopal) Ä Beginning Theological Reflection Class. A basic group method in discernment of God and vocation. Student Union Room 282 at 6:30 p.m.*

CHIMES Ä Weekly meeting, Economics 303 at 6 p.m.*

Financial Management Association Ä Learn about investment management and the CFA Program. Everyone welcome. McClelland Hall Room 129 at 5:30 p.m.

Hillel Ä All U-can eat spaghetti bash. Hillel at 6 p.m.

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan Ä General meeting. Everyone welcome. Bear Down Gym Room 200 at 5 p.m.*

Preludes Ä Weekly meeting, Student Union Room 280 at 5 p.m.*

Pre-Vet Club Ä Meeting. Microbiology Room 129 at 7 p.m.

PRIMUS Ä Weekly meeting, Student Union Room 281 at 6:30 p.m.*

Special Chemistry Seminar Ä Professor Harry H. Wasserman, editor of the "Tetrahedron Letters" gives a seminar titled "The Chemistry of Vicinal Tricarbonyls. Applications in Synthesis." Chemistry and Biological Sciences Room 218 at 4 p.m.

SPIRES Ä Weekly meeting, Student Union Room 281 at 6 p.m.*

Toast Masters Ä Weekly meeting. McClelland Hall Room 131 at 5:30 p.m.*

UA Boxing Club Ä Practice, Park Fitness Center at 7 p.m.*

UA Honor Center Ä Five Star Faculty Award nominations. On the Mall east of Old Main. Ballot boxes in Main Library, Park Bookstore and Student Union Info. booth.

UA Women's Rugby Club Ä Practice. Anyone welcome. Oury Park, N. E. corner of I-10 and St. Mary's, from 6:15-8 p.m.*

Ultimate Frisbee Club Ä Practice, coed, beginners welcome. Wildcat fields, 4:30-7 p.m.*

* Meets every Tuesday at this time and location

All On Campus listings must be received two days prior to the day of publication. Events must be either university or student sponsored, or must take place on the UA campus. Forms are available in Student Union Room 4.

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