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Candidate calls for ASUA condemnation of cartoon

By Greg Kugler
Arizona Daily Wildcat
February 18, 1999
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To the editor,

Many a time, jokes are meant to be taken lightly and I am not offended by them. However, it was really pathetic to see that the cartoon "Dehydrated Culture" has made people who are hermaphrodites as if they are objects to be laughed at. What is a hermaphrodite? A hermaphrodite is a plant or animal with both sexual organs.

Whether speaking about the will of the Almighty God or just simple genetics, hermaphrodites have a lot to deal with. Basically, Josh Hagler, I know you meant no harm, but it's a pity that the very COMMUNITY we live in segregates people because they were born differently. What a shame.

Last semester it was "Looking for Billy" and this semester it is "Dehydrated Culture." Hey, I am all for free speech, but then again, it is not fair to insult because someone is different.

If you cannot accept folks because of how they were born, then don't call yourself human!

I ask that each club and also the ASUA condemns the cartoon. If you don't then you all are accepting that it is okay to hurt people because they are different from us.

Even at times I am also guilty of racism. So don't think I am perfect either, but we all need to remember that we need to accept people for who they are! So Josh I am not attacking you, and I know deep down inside you meant no harm.

This is a learning experience for all of us. I just remember the quote from the Diary of Anne Frank, "Most of all I think all people a good at heart."

And so are you! We all just need to practice it, the Goodness from our hearts, for others.

Thanks on the behalf of the Muslim Student's Association.

Ahmad Saad Nasim
President, Muslim Students Association
German studies and Biology major