



UA Sierra Vista campus gets $8 million
from state
The UA's Sierra Vista branch received a boost yesterday when a state panel approved
an allocation of more than $8 million for a new academic and technology building on the campus.
The 53,000 square-foot facility will be built with 150 state-of-the-art computer stations as well as
student classrooms, said Randy Groth, dean of the branch campus. Groth added that the Sierra
Vista public school system and Cochise Community College will also use the new building





Payback time
In the past, visits to McKale Center by the Oregon State men's
basketball team were greeted with mild excitement at best.
Instead of wondering whether the Wildcats would win, fans
could speculate how many minutes ultra-reserves Josh Pastner
and Jason Stewart were going to play once the starters racked
up a 35 point lead with over 10 minutes left in the game.





Debunking the diversity myth
First, a disclaimer.
Many people are going to be offended by this article. Especially
in a university community, where multiculturalism is something
of an unquestioned sacred cow and many believe it should
continue to remain so.


Do you plan on voting in the ASUA elections?

Today: Some high clouds, otherwise mostly sunny. Highs in the mid to upper 70s. Tonight, some high clouds, otherwise mostly clear. Lows in the lower 40s.

"Congress is so strange. Aman gets up to speak and says nothing. Nobody listens -- and then everybody disagrees."
Boris Marshalov

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