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By Kim Stravers (Compiler)
Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 8, 1998
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Mr. T says, "Vote, you fool!": Are you registered to vote in Pima County? If so, participate in the Arizona primary elections. The following Tucson polling places are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. today:

Our Savior's Lutheran Church Koch Chapel 1949 E. Helen St.

IRST Christian Church Chapel 740 E. Speedway Boulevard

Miles Exploratory Learning Center Library 1400 E. Broadway Boulevard

UA Water Research Center 350 N. Campbell Avenue

Cat trivia: Flandrau Science Center houses the largest mineral museum in the whole state. Aren't you proud? Come check it out! The museum displays the salt of the earth from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Admission is $3, but if you attend one of Flandrau's excellent upcoming shows, the charge is included in the price of the theater ticket. Not bad.

It's in the stars. As part of the Theoretical Astrophysics Lunch Seminar, Andreas Burkert of MPI Heidelberg will speak to you today at noon about "Multiple Fragmentation and Star Formation" in Room N305 of the Steward Observatory. Participate in these stellar activities while you can.

More time to explore the great frontier? Wen Ping Chen, of the National Central University of Taiwan, will be giving a talk this afternoon in Kuiper Space Sciences Room 308. Take your seat at 3:30 p.m. to hear all about the "Census of Kuiper Comets - the Taiwanese-American Occulation Survey (TAOS)." This lecture is part of the PTYS/LPL Colloquia. Pam Streett has more information at 621-6963. Come show your support for global university collaboration.

This week's award for "Longest Lecture Title" goes to Ann Walker (UA Department of Chemistry). She will be discussing "Magnetic Spectroscopic Investigations of Low-Spin Ferriheme Cytochrome Models: Complementary Information on Electronic Ground State and Bond Covalency from Five Different Techniques" (breathe!) today in Chemical & Biological Sciences Room 216. The seminar begins at 4 p.m. Contact Zhiping Zheng at 626-6495 for details.

Somewhat space-related: the University Activities Board will be presenting "Moonraker" tonight at Gallagher Theatre at 9:40 p.m. The film is part of a James Bond double feature, and follows "Goldfinger," which starts at 7:30 p.m. Come for the first show, come for the last, or stay for both. The cost is $2.50 for the whole night.

Financial Times Fall 98