Is it true that the more you are denied something, the harder you try to get it? Or does such opposition actually divert your ambition? These topics could be related to international drug trafficking, and they could be covered at "The Border and the War on Drugs" Forum - if you go. Want to speak your mind? Then come to room 102 of the Douglas building from noon to 1 p.m. Oscar Martinez will chair the discussion, and Kimberly Ward, Samuel Sedgewick and Douglas Kay will present. Veronica Peralta can tell you more at 626-7242.
Either local scientists are getting bored with their usual schpeel and exploring the area of literary conventions, or the items listed in the title of today's Tree-Ring Talk Brown Bag Talk really have something to do with each other. I would give these white coats the benefit of the doubt, but feel free to challenge my opinion from noon to 1 p.m. in room 104G in Building 58 of the West Stadium, as Lisa J. Graumlich, LTRR, relates "Carbon, Curtains, and Cottonwoods: Developing a Research Agenda for Biosphere 2." Need more information? Call Jackie Mather at 621-1608.
Whether it's disturbing the dead or revisiting history, archaeological excavation can teach us some pretty neat stuff. King Tut. Ramses II. Find out what other mysterious delights have been lurking under the Egyptian surface at the Building Academic Community Speaker Series this afternoon. From 12:15 p.m. to 12:50 p.m., Richard Wilkenson (associate professor, humanities) will depict "A Life in Ruins: Excavating in the Valley of the Kings" in Gallagher Theatre. This wonderful educational opportunity has been brought to you by the American Council on Education and the Faculty Fellows. Give Sue Robison a ring at 621-4700 for further information.
We're spoiled. As members of this university, we continuously have the opportunity to listen to the very best college musicians perform complicated and interesting works with skill and emotion. Time for a reality check. Come to Crowder Hall tonight at 7:30 and remember where all this great entertainment started. The School of Music and Dance is sponsoring the UA's Outreach Band Concert, featuring the Middle School Outreach Band, All-City Middle School Honor Jazz Band, and the UA Senior High Outreach Choir. It's free! Call the Fine Arts Box Office at 621-1162 for more information.
It's a pretty big world out there, but somehow, many different groups of people seem to claim the same patch of dirt as their personal holy land. This whole year-2000 thing isn't making things any easier, by the way. Hear who has the right to what plot tonight at the Public Lecture with Robert Wistrich. He will follow "In the Footsteps of the Messiah: Herzl, Zionism and the Millennial Fever" at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Social Sciences building disguised as the giver of the Annual Town and Gown Lecture. The event is sponsored by the Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies and the Religious Studies Program. Call Luise Betterton at 626-5448 for details.